Wednesday, December 11, 2013

  • Frank Lloyd Wright: Inside and Out This book gave me a lot of information on Frank Lloyd Wright's style of organic architecture. It really explained how he designed his buildings to be in touch with nature and for the inside to be connected to the outside. 
  • An American Architecture: Frank Lloyd Wright This book showed some important techniques that Wright used in his architecture such as the emphasis of plasticity to increase the sense of interior space and the sense of shelter which was a part of his organic architecture.    
  • 20th-Century Architecture This book reinforced the fact that Frank Lloyd Wright left a legacy of organic buildings.
  • Architecture: The Words Greatest Buildings Explored and Explained This book gave me information on Wright's prairie period and his emphasis on openness, open planning, and horizontal buildings. 
  • Frank Lloyd Wright, A Gatefold Portfolio This book gave me information on one of Frank Lloyd Wright's buildings, The Robie House. It explained how the architecture used to design the Robie House was ahead of its time, contributed to American culture, and demonstrated one of Wright's techniques of unbroken flow throughout the interior. 
  • Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation This site gave me a lot of great information on Frank Lloyd Wright's life and biography. Also giving me more information about his work and techniques.
  • Mike Wallace Interview with Frank Lloyd Wright This interview gave me an important quote from Wright that showed his desire for an end to congestion”. This idea of his is demonstrated through his architecture.
  • American History By Alan Brinkley had a lot of information on the Age of the City and the growth of cities in America. This was important to the introduction of my topic.  

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