Friday, September 13, 2013

   Before we studied this unit I knew the basics about the Post- Civil War South. I knew that even though the war ended, things between blacks and whites were not automatically resolved. And i knew that there was still racial tension throughout the South, with the white Southerners still fighting for white supremacy and doing everything they could to continue to make blacks superior.  I knew that segregation occurred but i didn't know that there was a process that had to lead up to segregation being acceptable. Something that really stood out to me was how hard the white Southerners tried to go around the Amendments, doing everything they could think of to limit blacks rights. I thought it was interesting to learn about how segregation really developed and was made legal during the Jim Crow South.
   I think it's important for people to know the history about where they live because they can understand where they come from. If people know the history of where they live they can also compare what it was like in the past to how it is today. For us, I think it is good to learn about the Post-Civil War South and the events that happened and what people were like. It is important to see how things have changed and see how maybe some things from the past have continued on in a way.

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