Monday, February 23, 2015

5 of 4 Texas lawmaker wants to make it a crime for transgender individuals to use the restroom that matches their gender identity

A bill has been introduced that would make it a crime for transgenders to use the bathroom of the gender that they identify with. The bill says that the gender of someone is established at birth and by the individuals chromosomes. I thought this was interesting because it reminds me of white and black bathrooms sort of. It was interesting to think about from both views because transgenders truly believe they are the opposite sex but I bet some people would really freak out being in the bathroom with somebody that was physically of the opposite sex.
4 of 4 What parks and recreation taught my son about feminism (and so much else)

The last season of parks and rec. has started. A parent speaks about how the show has reinforced principles and morals to her son that she cared about, but in a way that wasnt beating him over the head with it. The shows she says offers commentary on social and political issues. I thought this was funny because we talked about this show today in class. Maybe I need to watch it more!
3 of 4 American Sniper trial halted due to ice storm

The trial in Texas was postponed due to the ice storm. This trial pertains to the man charged with shooting and killing former U.S. Navy SEAL, Chris Kyle. Chris Kyle was an American hero who has a best selling autobiography and a movie that was recently released. I have seen the movie and it is an amazing story. Based on what I know from the movie, when he returned home he helped vets and he was actually shot when he was working with someone.
2 of 4 PETAS Killing machine loses in landslide 95-2 vote in Virginia


peta stands for people for the ethical treatment of animals. The bill to rein in peta's killing passed the House of Delegates. Shelters will now be required to further efforts to get animals adopted instead of just killing them. So shelters will now be shelters instead of last resorts. I think this is a good bill to be passed although Im sure this will crowd the shelters which also isn't a good thing for animals. So it has its up and downs.    
1 of 4 Bush spouse backs Jeb, but is wary of family business

Columba Bush has been anticipating the day her husband would run for president. But her feelings about supporting him are conflicted. Her husband, Jeb Bush, was the former governor of Florida. She blamed politics as the reason behind marriage problems and even as the reason of her daughters drug addiction. So I guess it would be likely that she would be wary about him running or even becoming the president. Running for president would put her and her family in the spotlight like never before.  

Friday, February 6, 2015

5 of 3 These states don't require vaccinations for home-school students

4 of 3 Obama hosts student, teacher from million-dollar humans of N.Y. campaign

I thought it was cool that I found this post because humans of New York is an instagram account that I have looked at before and there has been a lot of posts recently about this school they've helped in Brownsville. After the first post about he student Vidal people have reached out and raised money for Mott Hall Bridges Academy. The money will go to support summer programs and start a scholarship fund for the graduates of the school.

3 of 3 Illinois considering recreational marijuana bills-And they could help lower racial disparity in pot arrests

Adults would be able to use recreational amounts of marijuana without fear of jail. These two bills are the first in the state aimed at reducing marijuana related penalties and charges. Although the charges from marijuana would go down, they would not be acquiring the same high revenue tax from legalization like Colorado did. It would solve the issue of the unproportional arrests of black and Latinos versus whites.
2 of 3 Obama was breaking barriers 25 years ago today

Obama has been the first black president of the Harvard Law Review and the United States as well. He was 28 when he became the first black person elected for the position of president of the review. In his 1990 interview he stated that he thought his election was a step in the right direction but also wanted to reassure that everything still wasnt ok for blacks. I think that goes right along with what people can say about him being the first black man in the oval office.
1 of 3 U.S. and Europe working to end Ukraine fighting

Ukraine is fighting with Russia. The U.S. is trying to decide whether to send arms to the Ukraine government. The U.S. has sent arms to allies in similar situations but this time the circumstances are complicated. Obama has considered sending defensive systems that would help to block the attacks.