Tuesday, March 3, 2015

4 of 5 Has Obama approval leveled off?

Obama's approval rate may be leveling off in the new year after increasing in late 2014. Recently his rating show that 47 percent approved of the job he is doing as president while 48 percent do not approve. This is a perfect example of how we just studied that it is normal for the presidents approval rate to be lower that 50%. And even though it seems bad, it is actually no big deal.
3 of 5 House, in reversal, will vote on years funding for homeland security

We talked about this in class a little bit recently. I think this article was saying that Republicans do not like the idea of this bill as much because they see it funding Obama's immigration policy. I wasnt quite clear on this though. This funding would save the department from a partial shut down. I think this bill is good to pass because we need security. Maybe its just a matter of less money being funded for the department. I think especially after September 11 that security has definitely been improved and a lot of new measures have been taken to improve security so maybe its time for this department to have a small break.
2 of 5 Justice department to fault Ferguson police, seeing racial bias in traffic stops

The Justice Department has almost completed a critical report against Ferguson police saying that years of bias and discriminatory traffic stops of African Americans created the built up anger and racial tension that lead to the shooting of the black teenager. The protests and violence after that shooting were so extreme I find it hard to believe that it was built up by simple traffic stops. However, for the people living in Ferguson that cant pay traffic tickets, traffic stops may become routine which could build up the anger. This sort of topic is one that reminds me of the assembly With Mr. Gees views versus Mr. Hilincks views on whether or not to voice opinions with more force or wait patiently for things to resolve.
1 of 5 psychiatric drug overuse is cited by federal study 

Federal investigators have said that there is a common widespread overuse of medications by older Americans with Alzheimers disease. They recommended that all physicians take action against over prescribing and unnecessary prescribing.  This overuse has especially been seen in patients of nursing homes. And they are trying to take action against this. This article related to another class I'm taking. In human phys we saw that the most unnecessary prescriptions are related to cold and flu. And I thought this article sort of went along with that.